There are always various diet trends that are popular at any given moment.
But it’s always best to reach for whole, unprocessed foods to get the most nutritional bang for your postpartum body!
Each time you eat or drink, you are either taking care of your body or destroying it.
Take your first step today by reviewing the basics on postpartum do’s and don’ts.
Don't: Follow the Standard Calorie Reference.
Even though the 2,000-calorie-a-day diet is the reference diet for women to maintain their weight , it may not be the best for postpartum women. Breastfeeding moms need 300-500 more calories each day! Talk to your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to calculate the caloric intake that is safest for you!
Do: Eat Consistent, Healthy Meals.
Ever notice how all you need to do is sleep after eating an enormous, oily meal? Larger meals, particularly of non- healthy food, can debilitate you and leave you feeling sluggish. Eating at least three times each day can keep you full and decrease hunger. You may need 3 meals and 2 snacks daily!
This is helpful in both safe weight loss and supporting your lactation. Eating less than three times each day puts you at risk of indulging and picking less healthy food sources and consequently consuming extra calories.
Don't: Starve Yourself.
Most new moms are eager to reduce baby weight, and research also supports that you can lose unwanted weight by starving yourself. But the issue is that 50% of that weight reduction comes from muscle tissue, not from fat.
So, that sets you up for pure disaster!
You may think that skipping breakfast or lunch is an extraordinary approach to cut calories; however, this does more harm than good.
Muscles are your body's metabolic furnace; each pound consumes around 50 calories every day. So, every pound of muscle you lose on a starvation diet eases back your metabolism somewhere near 50 calories per day. Starving yourself is damaging and basically doesn't help you get slimmer, so you better stay away from it!
Do: Hydrate Yourself
Breast milk is about 88% water. Your body is also 80% water!
No matter what diet you are following, hydration is a crucial part of postpartum health.
Aim to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily!
Don't: Look for QUICK FIX
Craze diets and weight reduction supplements can offer appealing outcomes to new moms. Major, quick weight reduction may sound pleasant, yet it tends to be damaging and hard to maintain for the long term.
Losing a maximum of 1-2 pounds each week is better, safer, and longer enduring than those convenient solutions. With a consistent healthy eating regimen and exercise you will start seeing your body transform.
Do: Choose More Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
It’s time to get those healthy grains and veggies on your shopping list. Eating foods that are high in fiber has been shown to help with weight loss. Fruits and vegetables deliver all the essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber needed to lose that stubborn baby fat.
Yes, you have the strength and power to change how your body looks and feels. Incorporating a healthy eating habit can help you achieve your postpartum wellness goals!
Reach out for a private telehealth consult with one of our MaternalWell registered postpartum dietician or as always use our text support for any general questions.