Postpartum psychosis is a rare but serious medical illness that occurs after delivery.
Some confuse this with postpartum depression, but this is very different.
Let’s learn a little about postpartum psychosis.
What is Postpartum psychosis?
A woman experiencing postpartum psychosis may hear voices, see things that aren’t real, have extreme sadness or anxiety. These symptoms can be extremely scary for the woman.
This is what may be sensationalized in the media when a new mother kills her baby.
Remember, this is NOT postpartum depression!
Postpartum psychosis is a rare medical illness that 1 -2 out of 1000 women face after delivery.
That is less than 1% (0.1- 0.2% to be exact )!
This is a rare but severe illness that requires emergency medical care.
How do you or your partner/ family recognize postpartum psychosis?
Here are some of the symptoms:
Delusions or strange beliefs
Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there)
Feeling very irritated
Decreased need for or inability to sleep
Paranoia and suspiciousness
Rapid mood swings
Difficulty communicating at times
Postpartum psychosis comes on suddenly and most women are affected in the first 2 weeks after delivery. It can occur as early as the first 48 to 72 hours after delivery.
Although 40-50% of women with postpartum psychosis do not have prior psychiatric illness, the following may put you at higher risk.
History of bipolar disorder
History of postpartum psychosis in a previous pregnancy
History of schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia
Family history of postpartum psychosis or bipolar disorder
First pregnancy
Stopping psychiatric medications for pregnancy
The delusions and beliefs that accompany this psychosis feels very real to the woman.
Although this break from reality has the risk of infanticide and/or suicide, most women with this illness do not harm themselves or their baby. But it is important to seek emergency medical care immediately if these thoughts arise.
This illness is very treatable! Treatment includes antidepressants, mood stabilizer and antipsychotic medications. The most severe symptoms can last 2 to 12 weeks. It can take 6 to 12 months to recover completely from this illness.
Most women make a full recovery with the right treatment and support!
Postpartum psychosis is a rare but severe illness that is a medical emergency.
Family members and moms should be aware of symptoms and call 911 if postpartum psychosis is suspected. Remember that treatment can help with recovery!
Contact MaternalWell text support for any general questions.
If you need one on one counseling, schedule a telehealth consult with one of our maternal mental health specialists.