Did you know that breastfeeding not only has health benefits for your newborn but also for YOU?
Breastfeeding for six months decreases your risk of: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
That is why BOTH the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.
However, over 90% of women have problems breastfeeding in the first week. This prevents women who want to breastfeed from achieving their goal.
Today we will have an overview of common breastfeeding challenges.
According to recent CDC data, around 84% of women start breastfeeding.
More and more women are choosing to breastfeed because of the unequivocal benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child.
Oops. Missed this one.
Although 84% of women start breastfeeding to support baby and maternal health…..only 25% of women are still breastfeeding exclusively at six months.
This means only 1 out 4 women are meeting their breastfeeding goals.
Why are 75% of women experienced undesired weaning?
Well...many factors play a part however a big reason is due to a lack of support and guidance when unexpected but common problems with breastfeeding arises.
Let’s review some of the common problems.
One of the biggest reasons women stop is that they think their baby is not getting enough milk. Most of the time this is due to poor milk extraction because of improper latching or not feeding frequently.
TRUE! Yup those nipples can feel sore when you start to breastfeed. This is NORMAL as your nipples adjust to breastfeeding………...but if more than just a little sore, you have pain throughout feeding, or you have cracked, blistered or bleeding nipples you may need extra support and care.
breast engorgement. Luckily with proper care this should only last a few days. If engorgement persists some moms may get clogged milk ducts and even mastitis (infection).
Sleepy baby, tongue tied baby or baby with oral thrush (mouth infection) can all be reasons why moms may stop breastfeeding.
It is not just baby or physical challenges you may face but emotional challenges as well. Feelings of exhaustion, isolation, depressed/anxious mood, and adjustment to loss of YOU time can lead to early weaning.
Be assured that you CAN still breastfeed successfully even with these challenges!
But don’t put too much pressure on yourself because being a good mom is more than about feeding!
If even with the right guidance, breastfeeding your baby isn’t supporting YOUR emotional and mental health…….formula feeding may be a healthier alternative for you.
Again one of the biggest factors leading to early undesired weaning is not enough support and guidance for common breastfeeding problems. Knowing what the challenges are are where to get the right support and guidance can help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.
So…….don’t let these common challenges experienced by more than 90% of mothers keep you from realizing your health potential!
Remember that support is available through MaternalWell or through your healthcare provider. Reach out to MaternalWell for text support, group chat or a virtual one-on-one with our certified lactation counselors. Try the quick tips provided today and stay tuned…..more to come!
All done for today!
There's much more to talk about with lactation but we wanted to provide a quick overview to start.
Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow!